Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Postcard Exchange

Well we finally have our Postcard Exchange cards done! We participated with other troops around the United States and even in Europe. Not to much fit on the little postcards so we just shared our blog with the other troops. If they made it here, WELCOME :)

Our Troop:

We have a large troop of 16 girls! We have 4 Daisy's, 9 brownies and 3 Juniors. The girls work hard to earn at least one badge every month and we go on at least two outings a month! We are currently planning some camping trips for the fall, yeah!


Weather-- We love the dry heat! It is hot hot here 6 months of the year May-Oct with the 3 months of June, July and August hitting triple digits. Its hot hot hot! Makes for perfect weather to hang out by the pool (in the shade of course!) Its really only cold 50's-60's a couple months usually Dec and Jan, which makes it hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it is sunny and warm during the day while your out shopping but on the flip side we dont have sidewalks to shovel either (snow--whats that!). The rest of the year Feb-April and Nov are a nice balmy 80's out. Gotta love the warmth here for sure!

Animals-- Okay so everyone always asks whether we have snakes and scorpions all over the place. Well the answer is yes and no! Believe it or not some people living in more populated areas never see scorpions or snakes their whole lives! For some of us that live out in the less developed areas (desert) we see all kinds of fun stuff. In our yard we have seen: Scorpions, snakes (the whip snake which jumps 5 feet in the air and lives in trees, the king snake which hunts the rattler and of course the rattler), havelinas (wild pigs with HUGE tusks) and believe me they look scary, coyotes, hila monsters (huge lizards that can get as big as 4 ft) bobcats, and even had two mountain lions sunning themselves in our backyard. Of course we have lots of cutie animals in our backyard like bunnies, jack rabbits, quail, roadrunners, and these little animals that we call kangaroo rats (we dont know what they are officially called) but they look like large mice and they will jump at you if you suprise them. They have a thing for eating rubber, esp the coating on wires. Makes it tuff to keep old cars around :) Okay so how often have I seen these animals? We typically see about 6-10 scorpions in our house every year. So far we have all avoided being bit but have been told it feels alot like a bee sting. Snakes- at least once a month. Coyotes, bunnies, quail and road runners every single day!! The havelinas were everyday for awhile but then we havent seen them for months so who knows. Everything else likes to keep well hidden (works for us!)

Things to do: We love hiking and have the worlds best trails to go on. The girls last year went hiking on Superstition Trails and had a blast finding the different cactus, lizards and wildlife on the way. They got to see the Holokom Indian pictograghs that are hundreds of years old. They still talk about how much fun it was! Camping is always fun too. We live about 2-6 hours from the various camps in the mountains here and the girls love love going to camp. Of course swimming pools and water parks are a favorite hang out too! We are planning a trip next year to go to the natural rock waterslides they have here.

Thanks for visiting our Troop and letting us share a bit of us with you!

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