Tuesday, May 25, 2010

April 3rd G.E.A.R Day

April 3rd, GEAR DAY

We were lucky that most of the girls were able to go to GEAR Day at ASU. The engineering department hosted a special day for the girl scouts to come down and learn about how to become engineers. The girls got to learn all about the different degrees/fields of engineering. They concentrated on demonstrating 3 of them.

For their Chemical Engineering, they got to "solve a crime", by testing ink strains they were able to tell which of the 4 pens wrote the ransom note. They had so much solving the crime!

For electrical engineering they assembled an electrical board with wires and light bulbs and batteries to create a "steady hand game" where they had to pass a wand through wires with out touching the wires and making the light bulb light up.

For the physical engineering they created a catapult that could sling their balls. Creating it from scratch the girls had a blast putting it all together.

The girls absolutely enjoyed their morning spent at ASU and quite a few of the girls would now like to be engineers when they grow up. How fun!

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